Posts by Collection


Amirhosein Sarchami

PhD Student, 2023 - present.

Porous Media Flow, Two-Phase Flow, Thermal Management, Optical Microscopy

Ayaaz Yasin

PhD Student, 2022 - present.

Computational Fluid Dyanmics, Multiphase Flows, Phase Change Modeling, Numerical Analysis

Denis Fulks

BS Alum, May 2024 - August 2024.

Sensor Design and Calibration, Control Systems, CAD Modeling, 3D Printing

Ermiyas Lakew

MS Alum, 2021 - 2022.

MS Thesis, "Thin Film Evaporation Modeling of the Microlayer Region in a Dewetting Water Bubble", 2022. Currently R&D engineer at FERNO.

Kishan Bellur

Principal Investigator, 2021 - current.

10+ years of experience in phase change heat transfer, capillary phenomena, cryogenics and scientific computing

Manjeera Vinnakota

PhD Alum, 2016 - 2024.

PhD Dissertation, "Design and Investigation of a Hydraulic Milli-Actuator for Minimally Invasive Medical Applications", 2024. Currently at Ethicon (J&J MedTech).

Saaras Pakanati

BS Student, 2024 - present.

Computational Fluid Dyanmics, Machine Learning, Data Driven Modeling

Sandeepan Dasgupta

MS Alum, 2021 - 2024.

MS Thesis, "Optical Transmission through Sessile Water Droplets Undergoing Solidification, and the Effect of Hydrophobicity", 2024.

Tejas Mahajani

MS Alum, 2022 - 2024.

MS Thesis, "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Isothermal Bubbling in Shear-thinning Liquids", 2024. Currently at Johnson Controls.

Unmeelan Chakrabarti

PhD Student, 2022 - current.

Multiscale modeling of liquid-vapor phase change, CFD, Molecular Dynamics

William Cullen

MS Student, 2023 - present.

Lidenfrost Effect, Droplet Manipulation, Removal of Particulate Matter using Liquid Droplets




Aerospace Engineering 101


This presentation to the local Houghton community included an outdoor model rocket launch demonstration.

Multiscale modeling of liquid-vapor phase change based on experimental data


The complete cryo-neutron story is presented in an integrated modular approach. The experiments, thermal transport analysis and multi-scale evaporation modeling are combined to generate the accommodation coefficients for both hydrogen and methane. The resulting values are independent of both container material and size and agree well with a fluid independent transition state theory prediction.


Resolving discrepancy in accommodation coefficients by rethinking equilibrium assumptions in evaporation modeling


The cryo-neutron dataset was used in conjunction with our multiscale evaporation model to show that the interface is non-isothermal. Most studies in the past have assumed an isothermal interface based on equilibrium arguements leading to the discrepency in reported values. We showed that accounting for non-uniformity in temperature and pressure results in a predictable coefficient.


Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer: Internal Flow

Undergraduate course, Michigan Technological University, 2019

In the spring semester of 2019, Dr. Bellur taught his first ever course as primary instructor: a 4 credit junior level undergraduate course in thermo-fluids. This unique course focused on fundamentals and applications of fluid mechanics and heat transfer to fluid flow in ducts and pipes (internal flow). Concepts from fluid mechanics and heat transfer were taught simultaneously in an integrated thermal-fluids approach.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Undergraduate/Graduate course, University of Cincinnati, 2025

Prof. Bellur typically teaches EGFD 5137/6037: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) every Spring semester. This is a cross-listed 3 credit course open to senior undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. The objective of the course is to familiarize students with computational methods to solve thermal-fluid and heat transfer problems. Numerical solutions to 1D equations are implemented using finite difference and validated with analytical solutions. Various discretization techniques, implicit/explicit schemes, stability and error are discussed. Commercial software tools are introduced for 2D/3D applications. Future versions of the course will transition to open source architecture.


Undergraduate course, University of Cincinnati, 2025

Prof. Bellur typically teaches MECH 2010: Thermodynamics every Fall semester. This is a second year, 4 credit, required undergraduate course in Mechanical Engineering. In this course, students will:

  • learn about mass and energy balances for closed and open systems,
  • develop an understanding of entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, and isentropic efficiencies of engineering devices,
  • be able to use these concepts to analyze power and refrigeration cycles, and
  • be able to apply principles of thermodynamics to formulate and solve engineering problems of interest. The course is highly interactive with in-class activities, open-ended projects, weekly group presentations and a tour of the UC power plant.